Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ritual cleansing

Late afternoon is a strange time for a shower. Nonetheless, I found myself in the shower around 4 pm this afternoon. Standing under the hot water in my unfortunately shared dorm room, I contemplated how strange it was that I needed to come home and shower. I had this uncontrollable need to come home and shower-- to wash off what had just happened, to wash away the reality that was the death of another creature, and how its death so closely touched me. Literally.
This bird. A dying injured bird, got up from the road, next to the bus stop. This bus stop is very busy as it is next to this major state university in which presumably hundreds of people stand throughout the day, perhaps even thousands. This dying bird got up from the road, off-balance and weak and then flew directly into me. I tried to avoid it, but it flew directly into my leg. And I don't know what I could have done to avoid it.
The bird flew directly into my leg and then fell to the ground slightly the right of my body, and then the same thing happened it tried to fly away again, it fell to the ground again.
Later that day but not too much later maybe 30 minutes later I was walking back home and I saw a bird, (I don't know if it was the same bird or not, but I think it might have been) on the side of the road by the curb, dead and squashed by the tire of a car.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


It took leaving for me to really appreciate all of the beauty of Sarasota. It took being placed in a situation, a more stressful, more unpleasant, less esthetically pleasing situation, for me to really appreciate the place and the people I had in my life in Sarasota. I miss it and I miss it a lot.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Urinary Tract Infection

Bladder Pain
Urinary Tract Infection
Allergic reaction
Emergency Room
Another Antibiotic
Continued Bladder Pain
Another Antibiotic
Continued Bladder Pain
Another Antibiotic
Continued Bladder Pain
Yeast infection
Stomach problems
Take Cranberry Pills and Vitamin C, it will help.

Awareness of oneself, Awareness of one's body. Awareness of the abdominal cavity.
Frustration. Anger. Tears. Laughter. Humor.
And that is it. That is how I get through it all. Humor.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pride and School Spirit

The Place: The University of Texas at Austin Bookstore entitled "The Co-op" on Guadalupe St. Austin, Texas

The Time: June 5, 3pm

The Purpose: school supply shopping

As a sketchy alum of New College of Florida, my experience with school spirit is limited to an intellectual superiority complex that waxes and wanes depending on the day.
Our mascot being nothing but [ ] and nothing more, symbols of New College run few and far between with the use of the four winds symbol being the closes thing we have to a true mascot.

The majority of the bookstore like most college campus bookstore's is full of university paraphernalia. Burnt orange overwhelms the senses. Intensity that is difficult for me to comprehend considering my own college experience.

Also, Burnt orange is an unattractive color on everyone. Just sayin'.

I get it. It is a nice thing, a nice feeling to take pride in one's dwelling in one's alma mater. I really do.

We all have various symbols to represent various aspects of our identities. The star of david for example is the unmistakable symbol for the Jewish people.

I find the use of a color, to represent a group of people or an identity interesting. Why is it that when a new baby is born blue is used for a baby boy, and why is it that when it is a girl pink is used?
Why is burnt orange the color for the university of texas?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Commencement, Arabic, Texas, and that one time at the ER

I entered the middle of three elevators in my new building, the Dobie Center, across the street from the University of Texas at Austin campus. On the wall next to the buttons was a sign that said, "Please only Press ODD floor numbers and walk up or down to your assigned floor. Thank you!"

People make the strangest of requests. Clearly I will be ignoring that request.

A little bit of exploration of Austin, Texas has occurred in the last 24 hours, but not much. I'm looking forward to exploring the weirdness of "the Weird City"-- The Cathedral of Junk, the restaurants, the bars, the music scene, etc.

It's hot here in Texas. The kind of hot where when you walk outside the air around you consumes your body as you walk through it, you are walking through a mass of something a mass of heat that sticks to you. Walking 2 miles across town today, I was consumed by the heat around me it encompassed my whole body in the way that makes one feel faint. Baruch Hashem I came upon a small mexican man on a corner with a kiosk selling beverages. I was so thankful for his presence. It was as if G-d had put my own personal Miriam on the corner of the street in Austin, Texas.

For some reason I felt comforted.

Commencement. I suppose my life post-graduation has in fact commenced. I have moved on from my life in Florida, my life in Sarasota, and have relocated to Austin, Texas. For now that is. I guess it's really time for me to figure out what's next. Following Austin, that is.

I am quite rusty on my Arabic. I'm going to have to work really hard to stay in intermediate Arabic, but I have faith in myself that I can do it. Something about moving away from New College of Florida and all of its stressful associations has allowed me to feel rejuvenated and ready for what the world, for what this Arabic program has to offer, for what is to come next. I'm just excited. I feel ready.

I feel nostalgic and miss my friends, but we are all moving on to bigger and better things. Inshallah we will all stay close.

Thanks to Leila, I have come to enjoy the NPR show radiolab. It was fantastic listening to the episode about the past, about people stumbling upon things from the past. "Detective Stories," it was called. It was beautiful. These stories about exploring garbage mounds in New York and Egypt were really inspiring. Listening to the story about a man finding hundreds of letters on the side of the highway 101 in California, and this journey exploring the letters and their past was really moving.

I guess exploration of the past is pertinent to my current position. At this place between college and career, I'm finding myself a bit lost and holding on the past and reminiscence as sources of comfort.