Monday, January 18, 2010

I then looked down and realized I had made the entire trip home with my fly unzipped.

Everyone has those days in which things do not go according to plan. Today was one of those days.

I wake up, make some tea, eat some cereal, watch some golden girls (which is always raunchier than I remember it being), make some pizza to take to the office potluck, shower, get dressed, figure out the bus I need to take, etc.

I set out on my journey into Virginia from the Shaw-Howard University Metro stop. All is well and I make it to the Ballston Metro stop in Virginia. Then the epic wait for the 22A bus begins. I wait almost an hour for the bus and alas it arrives.

I enter the bus and sit down. Meanwhile the whole time I have my ipod on and the earbuds in my ears. All of a sudden I realize. I am at the 34th street stop. I needed to get off at 6th street.

I'm not even in the right county at this point. Whatever, so I call my coworker to try to figure out where I am. I get off the bus, and wait for the bus coming from the other direction to come.
It's cold. I need to urinate. I am tempted to pop a squat in someone's yard. Like any classy young lady would-- I refrained, in pain. (check it, I rhymed the shit out of that)

I get on the bus going back towards the correct bus stop and this man feels the need to stare at me the whole way. Oy men can be creeeepers sometimes.

Finally, I make it to my coworkers house where the potluck has been in swing for already 2 hours. Happy I finally made it. I ate some quiche and some of the pizza I had made.

There was a Haiku game and a round of the card game bullshit.

If I do say so myself, the pizza was superb. Naan bread, with tomato sauce (onion, garlic, and basil) mozzarella cheese, roasted butternut squash, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, and feta cheese.

As I walk in the door at home... I looked down and my fly was open.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm here to entertain. That is all.

So you know when someone says something and you misunderstand what they say?

The other day two friends and I were walking through the Smithsonian Natural History Museum Mineral collection. One of them is discussing a family member's ownership of a gold mine.
She says, "my family had stake in a gold mine."

I, however, did not hear this.

I heard, " my family had steak in a gold mine."

So I say, "Oh, cool. Is that like a tourist thing?"

She responds somewhat perplexed, "umm, no. They owned part of a gold mine."

"Oh, I thought you meant they ate steak in a gold mine."

My second friend... walks away for a moment in disbelief.

Sometimes I am inadvertently ditsy.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Drunken internet conversation with former romantic interests.

Never a good call as I discovered last night.

As I am living with older roommates who enjoy wine, I am drinking a lot of wine as well.

Not that I am not enjoying the vino, but oy ve voy. Bad call getting on facebook chat and talking to the cherry popper when drunk, while simultaneously chatting with a boy I dated in high school, while also encouraging a close friend via text message to engage in debaucherous behavior... ;) (I'm such a fantastic influence on those around me. Always.)

In retrospect it is both embarrassing and I feel kind of guilty. However a few days from now I may find this highly amusing

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I've almost been in our lovely nations capital for a week and have greatly enjoyed myself.
However, there have been a few wardrobe malfunctions in this new climate.

As a Floridian, I own a lot of skirts and dresses and the most logical way to make these East Coast winter is to wear a few layers of tights and leggings underneath.

Alas, my bag that I brought to this lovely city with me, is an over the shoulder bag. You know the kind that rests over your tush.

So one day I decided to wear a dress and as I was walking to the metro from my house, I realize that the entire back has ridden up underneath my bag.

Oh, well. I hold it down.

It happens again at least 2 more times that day.

The day before I got toilet paper stuck to my boots.

Yes, I am that kind of girl.

Yesterday, I wore a skirt. A pretty flowy skirt, bad bad call in the snow/ wind. Alas, my business was cold. I do not think that god, or whatever creator, higher power did not intend for said area to be chilled.

Did I mention that I have finally discovered the purpose of a fire place? Its pretty sweet. So it turns out, that when its cold, you turn it on (well a gas one) and it makes you warm. Who knew?

So this internship business. oy.
Who knew clerical work could be so titillating?
The man in charge of the particular NGO I am working for is a former ambassador, and thus can only be referred to as "Ambassador."

He discusses some fundraising project.

My fellow intern suggests a bake sale. Seriously? A bake sale.