Monday, January 18, 2010

I then looked down and realized I had made the entire trip home with my fly unzipped.

Everyone has those days in which things do not go according to plan. Today was one of those days.

I wake up, make some tea, eat some cereal, watch some golden girls (which is always raunchier than I remember it being), make some pizza to take to the office potluck, shower, get dressed, figure out the bus I need to take, etc.

I set out on my journey into Virginia from the Shaw-Howard University Metro stop. All is well and I make it to the Ballston Metro stop in Virginia. Then the epic wait for the 22A bus begins. I wait almost an hour for the bus and alas it arrives.

I enter the bus and sit down. Meanwhile the whole time I have my ipod on and the earbuds in my ears. All of a sudden I realize. I am at the 34th street stop. I needed to get off at 6th street.

I'm not even in the right county at this point. Whatever, so I call my coworker to try to figure out where I am. I get off the bus, and wait for the bus coming from the other direction to come.
It's cold. I need to urinate. I am tempted to pop a squat in someone's yard. Like any classy young lady would-- I refrained, in pain. (check it, I rhymed the shit out of that)

I get on the bus going back towards the correct bus stop and this man feels the need to stare at me the whole way. Oy men can be creeeepers sometimes.

Finally, I make it to my coworkers house where the potluck has been in swing for already 2 hours. Happy I finally made it. I ate some quiche and some of the pizza I had made.

There was a Haiku game and a round of the card game bullshit.

If I do say so myself, the pizza was superb. Naan bread, with tomato sauce (onion, garlic, and basil) mozzarella cheese, roasted butternut squash, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, and feta cheese.

As I walk in the door at home... I looked down and my fly was open.

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